David Bowie- Life On Mars? It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair But her mummy is yelling no And her daddy has told her to go But her friend is nowhere to be seen Now she walks through her sunken dream To the seat with the clearest view And she's hooked to the silver screen But the film is a saddening bore For she's lived it ten times or more She could spit in the eyes of fools As they ask her to focus on Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man, look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars? It's on America's tortured brow That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow Now the workers have struck for fame 'Cause Lennon's on sale again See the mice in their million hordes From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads Rule Britannia is out of bounds To my mother, my dog, and clowns But the film is a saddening bore 'Cause I wrote it ten times or more It's about to be writ again As I ask you to focus on Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man, look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars? 作詞/作曲:David Bowie
這首歌在搖滾樂史上非常重要,2015年每日電訊報的Neil McCormick選的''100 Greatest Songs of All Time'',評為第一名。音樂媒體Pitchfork則評為the best song of the 1970s。70年代最好的歌。有趣的是這手跟法蘭克辛納屈的<<My Way>>頗有淵源,是戲仿,但風味完完全全不一樣。
Brothers, You Should Have No Dream 作詞Lyrics:拍謝少年 Sorry Youth 作曲Song:拍謝少年 Sorry Youth 你希望世界像細漢的時 簡單的過活 有人來相伴 You hope back to youth. Simple life, Someone Company 毋願看著現實 是怎樣無通 行艱苦的路 只有孤單一人 Rather Look Reality is Unacessable, walk alone in hard way是怎樣感覺伊講出的話 予稀微的我 毋通來振動 Why weak I can’ t move, when I feel he said 是阮無心無夢 哭攏無目屎 若是無緣鬥陣 規氣放予思念 I have no soul and no dream, if no chance to be together, just give up you and missiing you deeply 兄弟無夢 不應該 你感覺一生希望袂來 Brothers, you should have a dream, you feel hope upcoming once lifetime 稀微的人怎樣鬥陣 你感覺無心無目屎 No future man how to keep relationship, you feel empty heart and tears 頭前的路 忽然間 你看著一生希望的愛 Suddenly, you watch lifetime’s beloved in front way 怎樣來做 無人教你 咱只好心肝放輕鬆 啊 But how to do? noboby teach you, we just relax mood 混亂世間嘛有一工 你感覺無心來等待 One day, you will feel no soul to wait in this casx world 希望這馬到底 若無去人生無人知 Hope together now.I can’t image my life without her 倔強的我 忽然間 了解一生干焦一擺 Stuburb I suddenly overwhelming life is one way 希望這馬到底 咱只好恬恬搬落去 Hope be with her forever and ever. we just act quietly 你向望有人會知 咱根本無遐爾勇敢 You want someone to understand, we no brave nothing at all 你心裡咧想啥物啊 過去的人若像作夢 What you think about! used lover llike a dream 你思念也無看見啊 過去的路嘛無較怎 You can’t see lost love anymore, it’s just ok now, thingking back a past way 你感覺若像真的哪 夢中做陣敢好啊 You feel like so real! Dreaming together is So Good?! 啦啦啦啦~ Lalalala~
周六下午跟著部落客參訪團,來到少為人知的隱匿大里大馬路旁的幽境【Dali art 國際藝術村】。這期的駐村藝術家共有10位,來自世界各國及台灣本地優秀的青年藝術家們齊聚一堂,在這塊土地上自由發揮。 以「貌」取人向來是我的症頭,所以這次的拜訪不可免俗地,眼光無法從美女藝術家包子、Kaori身上移開;啊!說錯了!表達有問題。是不自覺的被作品所吸引,連帶愛屋及烏,也欣賞起藝術家來。
《電影少女》是桂正和經典科幻戀愛少年漫畫,連載於1989~1992年日本暢銷的《周刊少年Jump》上。當時風靡了日本、海外無數少男的心,在台灣的六年級生、七年級生前半大概都知曉這部。。 在結束連載20多年後,再度被改編成日劇《電影少女-VIDEO GIRL AI 2018-》,只不過主角換人,變成他的姪子。時間、角色設定上因應現在環境有所更動,但是劇情、角色個性大致上還是照著原作走。
安娜德哈瑪斯(Ana de Armas)全名為安娜·西利亞·德哈瑪斯·卡索(Ana Celia de Armas Caso)出生於1988年4月30日,現年29歲,出生於古巴哈瓦那,畢業於國家戲劇學校,是一名古巴女演員,曾與演員馬克克洛特Marc Clotet維持過三年婚姻,2013年離婚。 18歲搬到西班牙發展,她的處女作是西班牙電影<<來自法國的玫瑰Virgin Rose>>,也在電視劇<<寄宿學校疑雲El Internado>>受到歡迎,在當地取得成績後,再度於2014年前往美國,第一部美國電影是基努李維主演的<<當辣妹來敲門>>,接著片約不斷<<惡夜殺機>>、<<光榮擂台>>、<<火線掏寶>>、<<盜速飛車>>,2017年接拍<<銀翼殺手2049>>,大大打開知名度。