2020年1月26日 星期日

The 100 Greatest Movies Of The 21st Century by Empire二十一世紀電影百強by帝國雜誌


1. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道
2. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001)魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身
3. The Dark Knight (2008)
4. Inception (2010)全面啟動
5. Moonlight (2016)月光下的藍色男孩
6. The Social Network (2010)社群網戰
7. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰
8. Get Out (2017)逃出絕命鎮
9.Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)羊男的迷宮
10. Lost In Translation (2003)愛情不用翻譯
11. There Will Be Blood (2007)黑金企業
12. No Country For Old Men (2007)險路勿近
13. Whiplash (2014)進擊的鼓手
14. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004)王牌冤家
15. Spirited Away (2001)神隱少女
16. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)蜘蛛人:新宇宙
17. Mulholland Drive (2001)穆荷蘭大道
18. Inside Out (2015)腦筋急轉灣
19. The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)華爾街之狼
20. Interstellar (2014)星際效應
21. Children Of Men (2006)人類之子 22. Gladiator (2000)神鬼戰士 23. City Of God (2002)無
24. La La Land (2016)樂來樂愛你
25. Call Me By Your Name (2017)以你的名字呼喚我
26. Memento (2000)記憶拼圖
27. Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003)追殺比爾
28. The Irishman (2019)愛爾蘭人
29. Boyhood (2014)年少
30. God’s Own Country (2017)上帝之國
31. Amélie (2001)艾蜜莉的異想世界 
32. Avengers Assemble (2012)復仇者聯盟 
33. Wonder Woman (2017)神力女超人 
34. Zodiac (2007)索命黃道帶 35. Arrival (2016)異星入境 36. Lady Bird (2017)淑女鳥 37. Donnie Darko (2001) 怵
38. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店
39. Joker (2019)小丑
40. Up (2009)天外奇蹟
41. Avengers: Endgame (2019)復仇者聯盟:終局之戰 42. Casino Royale (2006)007首部曲:皇家夜總會 
43. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003)魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 44. Roma (2018)羅馬
45. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)銀翼殺手2049
46. Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)醉鄉民謠
47. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (2010)歪小子史考特
48. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)Star Wars:原力覺醒
49. In Bruges (2008)殺手沒有假期
50. Hunt For The Wilderpeople (2016)神鬼嚎野人
51. Paddington 2 (2017)柏靈頓熊熊出任務 
52. Inglourious Basterds (2009)惡棍特工 
53. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002)魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 
54. Brokeback Mountain (2005)斷背山 
55. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)美國隊長2:酷寒戰士 
56. Before Sunset (2004)愛在日落黃昏時 
57. Drive (2011)落日車神 58. Wall-E (2008)ㄨㄚˋ
59. Django Unchained (2012)絕殺令
60. Carol (2015)因為愛你
61. Shaun Of The Dead (2004)活人甡吃 
62. Sideways (2004)尋找新方向
63. Under The Skin (2013)肌膚之親
64. Almost Famous (2000)成名在望
65. Toy Story 3 (2010)玩具總動員3
66. The Prestige (2006)頂尖對決
67. Hot Fuzz (2007)終棘警探 68. Apocalypto (2006)阿波卡獵逃
69. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)天才一族
70. Avatar (2009)阿凡達
71. The Raid (2011)全面突襲
72. Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance) (2014)鳥人
73. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019)從前 有個好萊塢
74. Oldboy (2003)老男孩
75. Training Day (2001)震撼教育
76. Logan (2017)羅根
77. Dunkirk (2017)敦克爾克大行動
78. Michael Clayton (2007)全面反擊
79. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)小太陽的願望
80. Before Midnight (2013)愛在午夜希臘時
81. District 9 (2009)第九特區
82. Skyfall (2012) 007:空降危機
83. Frances Ha (2012)紐約哈哈哈
84. Coco (2017)可可夜總會
85. The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford (2007)刺殺傑西
86. Iron Man (2008)鋼鐵人
87. Bridesmaids (2011)伴娘我最大
88. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street (2007)瘋狂理髮師:倫敦首席惡魔剃刀手
89. Her (2013)雲端情人
90. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)臥虎藏龍
91. In The Mood For Love (2000)花漾年華
92. Baby Driver (2017)玩命再劫
93. Phantom Thread (2017)霓裳魅影
94. Batman Begins (2005)蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻
95. A Prophet (2009)預言者
96. Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014)星際異攻隊
97. Ex Machina (2014)人造意識
98. Captain America: Civil War (2016)美國隊長3:英雄內戰
99. Let The Right One In (2008)血色入侵
100. Dead Man's Shoes (2004)死人的鞋子

Sight & Sound/ BFI影史十強 Top 10 poll

