2021年1月13日 星期三

瑪琳華特 Marine Vacth:有時高冷有時仙氣飄飄的美女(圖集)

瑪琳華特 Marine Vacth出生且生長於巴黎,身高171公分,出生於1991年4月9日。14歲時被星探相中,進而進入模特兒圈,還擔任H&M的時裝模特兒。20歲開始演戲,2011年取代了名模凱特摩絲Kate Moss成為Yves Saint Laurent香水的代言人,以及名牌Chloé。從2011年至今,她也演了10部電影。2019年參演真人電影《皮諾丘的奇幻旅程Pinocchio》,擔任大仙女一角,仙氣飄飄,有種既空靈又神秘的吸引力。





達珂塔強生 Dakota Johnson:選片眼光出色的漂亮寶貝(圖集)

Year  Title Role Director Notes
2011 My Piece of the Pie Tessa Cédric Klapisch
2012 L'homme à la cervelle d'or Alice Joan Chemla
2012 What the Day Owes the Night Isabelle Rucillio (adult) Alexandre Arcady
2013 Young & Beautiful Isabelle François Ozon Nominated—César Award for Most Promising Actress
Nominated—Lumières Award for Most Promising Actress
2015 Belles familles Louise Jean-Paul Rappeneau
2016 La Confession Barny Debruycker Nicolas Boukhrief
2017 L'Amant double Chloé François Ozon
2018 If You Saw His Heart (Si tu voyais son cœur) Joan Chemla Toronto international film festival 2017 - PLATFORM[8]
2019 Pinocchio The Fairy with Turquoise Hair (adult) Matteo Garrone Vacth is dubbed by Domitilla D'Amico. Vacth's voice can be heard in the teaser trailer, while D'Amico's voice was first heard in the final trailer.
Vacth dubbed herself in the French version, while D'Amico dubbed her again in the English version.
2020 DNA Lilah Maïwenn
(From wiki)

